


Senior Developer from 2021-03 to 2024-07

Developed custom solutions around the WordPress platform as a contractor for the CDC
Planned, developed and delivered several chat-GPT/Laravel based internal tools and applications for Black Airplane that integrated with other services such as Zoom, Git, Harvest, AWS and Mux Video.
Developed several stand-alone customer projects to varying specifications utilizing laravel 9-12
Passed all background checks and interviews for DOD security clearance. Added and expanded WordPress based CMS tools for managing government sites. Built a large AI query tool with laravel that integrated many of the most popular API's, allowing for absolute control of data, privacy, and all accessible through a series of laravel applications and third party integrations. Worked on over a half dozen laravel projects of varying complexity both as a solo developer and in teams of varying size.


PHP/Rails Developer from 2020-02 to 2020-12

Developed for several internal tools utilizing, PHP, Rails 4, Lambda, and Python Responsible for managing the infrastructure on AWS including Lambda, CloudFormation, RDS, EC2 with ELB/ALB, Route53, S3, ElastiCache, and CloudSearch Created integration services for linking internal and external API’s and enabling inter-application communication Implemented better coding standards and error detection with CloudWatch Logging, Alarms, and implementing GitFlow Worked with a small team to ensure quality and appearance are maintained from Responsive web to android and iOS apps
Built an AWS-Lambda python3 function that would do manual queries for geo-locating ip addresses. Created and modified AWS-CloudFormation scripts to achieve single-button blue / green deploys. Built out the online user cancellation system for the PHP site. Was the sole maintainer of the rails application used for curating meals.


Operations Engineer from 2017-12 to 2020-02

Developed and refactored code for high volume web services that integrated with online shopping platforms including Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and Magento Investigated and resolved bug reports and improved server latency and response times Developed, oversaw, and deployed multiple applications in several languages Responsible for providing fast and accurate information for any urgent issues or day to day operation of an extensive network of web applications across AWS, Heroku, and others Worked with multiple teams to define requirements and design custom solutions in a continuous Integration cycle Automated processes that saved over 45 hours of engineer time per week
Built, investigated, updated, and deployed several php plugins for several major e-commerce brands. Worked with / on applications in GoLang, PHP, Java, and Rails to automate, improve, and fix issues. Worked with a small team to investigate and resolve any number of operational issues across the organization. As a result of investigations, I was frequently tasked with developing custom solutions for our clients in whichever server configurations they had. I was tasked with new customer onboarding, and in my time with Springbot I largely automated all of the tasks I was originally hired to complete.


Junior PHP Developer from 2016-10 to 2017-12

  • Built and refactored php code for web services that integrated with existing client infrastructure
  • Peer reviewed revisions and tested code as part of quality assurance standards
  • Wrote documentation for development procedures and audited existing code
  • Worked with multiple teams to define requirements and implement custom solutions
  • Implemented many popular 3rd party services including Facebook Audiences, Adobe analytics, Google Analytics, other industry standard services and remarketing tags

Built and updated on-site popups for many major brands. Integrated many different services across many API's that required management of customer PII. Created, tested, and deployed many features based on provided design docs. Worked as part of a very large development team that spanned the globe with most of my team working with us from Brussels. Audited existing deployments to ensure they are indeed working as intended and to investigate possible issues reported by clients. Integrated features with many of the most popular analytics tracking suites and ensured campaigns were tracked accurately.

This was my first cooperate job ever. I had never worked with a team or heard of Jira, was lax on SVN of any kind. You could say I was skilled in ability and utterly lost in practice. At the time, my amazing manage Anna took a shot on a college drop out outback server and gave him a chance; an action which I will be forever grateful for. It was over a year of learning everything I could and learning the ins and outs of an industry. Unfortunately, for the industry, area, and even experience, I was limited in growth where I was and needed to move on.
