There are too many stories to tell them all on one site. Feel free to explore a few of those stories below.
Thanks for taking the time to learn more about me! Forgive the implied redundancy, but my name is Joey Kimsey, and I professionally describe myself as a web developer. On this site you will find a few brief writings on my career and personal life as well as links to various projects and other services. At this time I don't find much value in the social media platforms. While I do have them, they serve more as a reservation in my name than an active party.
I would love to change the landscape of social media, but alas, I feel we need to give up "free" for "fees" lest we become the product.
I live on inbox-zero, and for anyone willing to suffer my google assistant on the first call, I'm always available by phone. With that said, I do not make my personal email or phone number publicly available on this site. If anything here peaks your interest, or you just want to talk more about a project, feel free to contact me here and I should respond relatively quickly.
From IPB to ChatGPT and everything in-between; I have worked with, and on, many platforms. What I would refer to as my "professional experience" spans 7 years but my experience in this field spans another decade at least. Learn more when you view my Resume. It can be viewed, downloaded, and expounded upon via my blog. Feel free to explore and follow up with any questions.
One of the downfalls I have as a developer is failing to save my failures. (trust me, its less philosophical than it sounds) Many times when I finish projects, or call it quits, the code is either resigned to its life in production where I would prefer it not to be publicly available, or It goes to the big backup disk in the sky. When you factor in my immense respect for lawyers and the whimsically worded writs they have me sign; I am left with limited examples to share. Fortunately I have some long running project examples which are available for download and review.
At any given time I have at least a half dozen projects in various stages of completion. As most could attest; interests peak and wain as moods and times change. Here you can find a brief overview of the various projects I am devoting some level of attention to. Not guaranteed acuate, and not guaranteed complete, but you're here anyways, so take a peak behind the homepage
While I do not make my phone number or email available, you can still reach out about anything using my contact form here.