
All The Bookmarks

All the bookmarks is a tool I developed for storing, managing, and sharing your browser bookmarks. Its one of the apps built to showcase the flexibility of The Tempus Project.

The Tempus Project

This is the primary site for the underlying MVC framework that this site and several others are built on. The project is my version of a PHP application that borrows the flexibility and plug-n-play nature of WordPress and the developer friendly design of Laravel.

GitLab - TTP

Moving Forward, all updates related to TheTempusProject will be handled on GitLab. You can find all the latest releases here but GitHub is being used to retain the previous versions.

GitHub - TTP

Prior to move to GitLab, TTP lived on GitHub. Much of the code here would still run, but I have made large changes and architecture defining updates. After those were complete, I made the decision to keep the prior versions on GitHub and migrate the most recent work to GitLab.

GitHub - Personal

Gotta be honest, its pretty sparse here these days, much of my GitHub numbers occur on company-specific accounts.

AAA M+ Additions

AAA M+ Additions is an AddOn for the widely popular MMO World of Warcraft. I won't bore you with the details, but you can find more on the curseforge installer.

TTP - Apache

As part of my mission to make TheTempusProject as widely available as possible, I have personally created the base container to run the project using Apache as the core architecture.

TTP - Nginx

As part of my mission to make TheTempusProject as widely available as possible, I have personally created the base container to run the project using NGINX as the core architecture.


TheTempusProject is a composer-installed PHP CMS and Framework that I started nearly a decade ago. For more info, please visit TheTempusProject.com.


Bedrock is the core functionality used by The Tempus Project. This Library can be utilized outside of the TempusProject, but the functionality has not been tested well as a stand-alone library. This library utilizes the MVC architecture in addition to a custom templating engine designed to make building web applications fast and simple.


Canary is a php library that enables real time debugging messages to be logged, shown on the frontend, or sent to the TempusTools chrome extension.


Houdini is a php templating engine designed in conjunction with The Tempus Project. This package allows you to store output as variables and plug it into templates and formatted html. These elements can be generated, modified, and managed; for direct display by component, or paired with templates to create full html pages.
This functionality applies to several commonly utilized page components such as navigation, forms, pagination, interface and more.


Hermes is a small package to handle routing and autoloading.